Monday 1 November 2010

unit 2 assessment from task 1

motherboard is central printed circuit board it is main important unit in system unit it holds all the other system components inside system unit and provide the connection of them.

CPU is central processing unit, it's handle the most calsulation and  it's like boosgiving the instruction to all the other system components
  hard drive is a basic part of computer ,the hard drive sotred all your programs and files. if you borken your
hard drive you will lose all your file inside computer.

ram is abbreviation of ramdom access memory  is provide the space for your computer to read and write data to be accessed by the CPU RAM  is volatile if you shout down you computer you will lose data from ram
graphic card
a graphic card is to generate output images to display , better graphic card giving the better image.
power supply
power supply device  supply the electrical energy to computer spport all system components running. 
cooling fan
because when computer running so hard it will generate heat ,cooling fan is device to passing and cooling the  entire system unit temperature down. don't let computer burning.

task 1 b

understand how to runs an update to the virus definition files would help you have good security in you computer ,update the virus databass  will have latest virsion of virus.
scan system daily will also help you computer working perfectly without virus
know how to upgrate operating sytem will help you repair system BUG what your older system have.
defragment hard drive helps you mange the unnecessary files
drive formatting use for cleanging out space in drive and cleaning virus as well  but if you choose quick formatting  it will ignore the irus in drive。
understand install and run a firewall  will protect you computer form virus.
create folders  copu and delete files  is basic knowledge in using computer
back-up to CD just in case if you computer broke down lost all files ,compressed  it's most convenience to save transfer time  and  space.

uni2 assessment task 1 c

system profile
a system profile is a uitility that provide the detail of information program/software which has installed in this
disk back up
computer system backup utilities can back up data stored on a disk  which if you computer corrupted it will be very helpful

File managers provide a convenient method of performing routine data management tasks, such as deleting, renaming, cataloging, uncataloging, moving, copying, merging, generating and modifying data sets.

disk error-checker
disk error-check can scan the disk to find the files or areas where is corruped or not install correctly and deleted them more efficiently。

task 2 drive formatting and virus protection

how and why drive formatting
usually we use drive formatting to clean out of space in drive or cleaning the virus which is inside the drive.
there's to way to do formatting , when you right click the disk  choose formating and them choose the quick formatting, this choice is used by many people,but if you disk have virus inside then you do the quick formatting this one doesn't help you to deleted virus.
how and why virus protection.
if you don't have virus protection inside your computer, you can loose you privacy, or more worse you can loose your bank account detail and lost your mony which is inside that bank acount and  people who attack you computer will probably use you ID or you document to do crime.
many thing could happen ,  virus protection is the way to get away from this  i help you to use computer safly
and won't scare of losing any detail .
to use virus protection program  just simply google AGV  it's  freeware and it's really good virus protection.

operating system

windows 7

windows 7 is the latest virsion of microsoft windows,  what better thant last virsion of microsoft windows is intended to be a more focused , incremental upgrade to the windows line and with the goal of being compatible with apple with applications and hardware which windoes vista doesn't have,and new functions of multi-touch support new home networking system call homegroup. and also new feature  handwriting recognition support virtual hard disks improved performance on muti-core processor ect.  all positive feedback  shows that windows 7 is better thant vista .
the purpose of useing windows OS is because windows is widely used in the wolrd and most of computer install window operating system ,it's  capability and function is better than mac

mac os x
mac os x is graphical operating system is tenth major version of apple's operating system .
what is differences between the last versions of mac OS is mac OS X has the aqua GUI  a graphical user interface with water-like elements exc.
the purpose of using MAC OS is becasue it's much more easy than use windows and security is much more better.

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